2024 Resolutions

2024-1 Confirm a Fund Chair and Sec

2024-2 Confirm an Exec Comm and Alts

2024-3 Appoint a Prof Staff Non-Fair and Open

2024-4 Appoint Prof Staff Fair and Open

2024-5 Approving Assigned Defense Counsel and Approved Associates

2024-6 Recommending the EPL POL Defense Panel

2024-7 Appoint Conflict Attorney

2024-8 Adopt Cash and Investment Policy

2024-9 Adopt Procedures in Compliance with the Open Public Mtgs Act

2024-10 Adopt Fiscal Policies and Procedures

2024-11 Adopt Admin Policies and Procedures

2024-12 Designating Ex Dir as Comp Officer

2024-13 Conflict of Interest Policy

2024-14 Establish a Fund Records Policy

2024-15 Establish 2024 Plan of Risk Mgmt

2024-16 Designate Certifying & Approving an Officer for payment of Claims

2024-17 Authorize Reimbursement of Official Travel Related Expenses

2024-18 Amending RMP

2024 -19 Honoring Jane DiBella

2024-20 Adopting the Revised Litigation Mgt Guidelines

2024-21 Release of FY 2021 Closed Claims Min

2024-22 Release of FY 2022 Closed Claims Min

2024-23 Release of FY 2023 Closed

2024-24 Adopting Model Indemnification and Insur Provisions-Trico

2024-25 Adopting Lit Mgmt Guidelines COI Policy-Trico

2024-26 Approving Additional Approved Assoc J Affanato-TRICO

2024-27 Adopting Annual Audit-TRICO

2024-28 Intrafund Transfer 2023 Ded to PR June

2024-29 Release of Closed Yr Accounts Surplus

2024-30 Intrafund Transfer

2024-31 MEL 3 YR Renewal

2024-32 RCF 3 YR Renewal

2023 Resolutions

2023-1 Confirm Election of Chair and Secretary

2023-2 Confirm Election of Exec Comm and Alternates

2023-3 Appoint Professional Staff via Non-Fair and Open

2023-4 Appoint Professional Staff via Fair and Open

2023-5 Approving Assigned Defense Counsel and Approved Associates

2023-6 Recommending the EPL POL Defense Panel

2023-7 Appointing Joe Nardi as Conflict Attorney

2023-8 Adopting Cash and Investment Policy

2023-9 Adopting Procedures in Compliance with the OPEN Public Meetings Act

2023-10 Adopting Fiscal Policies and Procedures

2023-11 Adopting Admin Policies and Procedures

2023-12 Designating the Exec Dir as Pubic Agency Compliance Officer

2023-13 Adopting & Establishing a Conflict of Interest Policy

2023-14 Establishing a Fund Records Program

2023-15 Plan of Risk Mgmt 2023

2023-16 Designation of Certifying & Approving Officer for Payment of Claims

2023-17 Authorize Reimbursement of Travel for Authorized Official Travel

2023-18 Naming Mike Razze as Representative for MEL EJIF RCF and Cyber

2023-19 Contract with North Shore for Claims Audit

2023-20 Contract with Wintsec for Technology Risk Svcs Dir and Pay Secure Data

2023-21 Honoring Bob Law

2023-22 Honoring Mike Razze

2023-23 Amend Res 2022-44 for a 1 Yr Contract with D2

2023-24 Authorize Release of Woodbury’s share of the AELCF

2023-25 Release of 2022 Claims Closed Session Minutes

2023-26 Honoring Leo Selb

2023-27 Electing a member of the Exec Comm

2023-28 Confirming an Exec Comm Replacement for the Remainder of 2023

2023-29 Resignation of Cooper Levenson

2023-30 Accepting Annual JIF Audit 12-31-22

2023-31 Authorizing Intrafund Transfer 2022PR 2020 Auto

2023-32 Authorize the creation of the RCF Supplemental Assess Account

2023-33 Authorizing release of Clsd Years Surplus-Sept

2023-34 Electing a member of the Exec Comm in place of M. Gravinese

2023-35 Confirming an Exec Comm with Brown for 2023

2023-36 Transfer of the 2019 FY t the RCF

2023-37 Transfer 2023 EJIF Dividends to member AELCF Accounts

2023-38 Amending the 2023 Plan of Risk Mgmt

2023-39 Appointing Mike Razze as the MEL RCF EJIF Cyber Rep for 2024

2023-40 Designating an Additional Approved Assoc with- Pietra Saracino Meeks

2023-41 Designating an Additional Approved Assoc with Brown & Connery

2023-42 Authorization to transfer Funds to the MEL Unencumbered Surplus Acct

2023-43 Authorizing a 1 Yr contract with D2 for External Network Vulnerability Scanning and Pen Testing eff Jan 1 2023

2023-44 Authorizing a 1 yr contract with Wizer for Cyber Hygiene Training, Security Awareness and Phishing Assess eff Jan 1 2024

2023-45 Authorizing a 1 yr contract with D2 for Network Vulnerability Scanning eff Jan 1 2024

2023-46 Authorizing a 1 yr contract with D2 for Network Pen Testing eff Jan 1 2024

2022 Resolutions

REs 2022 01 Election of Chair and Sec

Res 2022 02 Election of Exec Comm and Alt

Res 2022 03 Appoint Prof Staff Non Fair and Open

Res 2022 04 Appoint Prof Staff Fair and Open

Res 2022 05 Approve Defense Counsel and Approved Assoc.

Res 2022 06 Recommend EPL POL Defense Panel

Res 2022 07 Appoint Joe Nardi as Conflict Attorney

Res 2022 08 Adopting Cash and Investment Policy

Res 2022 09 Adopting Procedures in Compliance with the OPEN Public Meetings Act

Res 2022 10 Adopt Fiscal Policies and Procedures

Res 2022 11 Adopt Admin Policies and Procedures

Res 2022 12 Designate the Exec Dir as Public Agency Compliance Officer

Res 2022 13 Adopt and Establish a Conflict of Interest Policy

Res 2022 14 Establish a Funds Record Program

Res 2022 15 Establish the 2022 Plan of RM

Res 2022 16 Certifying and Approving Officer for Payment of Claims

Res 2022 17 Authorize Reimbursement of Travel

Res 2022-18 Create MEL Unenc Surplus Acct and transfer FY2021-TRICO

Res 2022 19 Release of Pittsgrove’s Share of the AELCF

Res 2022 20 Qual Lynx Contract for 5yrs

Res 2022 21 Authorize the release of 2015 Claims Closed Session Min

Res 2022 22 Authorize the release of 2018 Claims Closed Session Min

Res 2022 23 Authorize the release of 2019 Claims Closed Session Min

Res 2022 24 Authorize the release of 2020 Claims Closed Session Min

Res 2022 25 Authorize the Release of 2021 Claims Closed Session Min

2022-26 Approving Cockerill, Craig & Moore LLC to the Defense Panel

2022-27 Removing an Approved Associate and Designating an Approved Associate from Birchmeier & Powell

2022-28 Accepting Annual Audit 12-31-21

2022-29 Authorizing MEL surplus trigger payment

2022-30 Authorizing RCF surplus trigger payment from 2017

2022-31 Authorizing intrafund transfer for 2018FY

2022-35 Join the MEL Cyber JIF for 3 Yrs effective Jan 1, 2023

2022-34 Renew 3 yr EJIF

2022-33 Authorize Closed Years 2008-2017 Surplus

2022-34 Renew 3 yr EJIF

2022-35 Join the MEL Cyber JIF for 3 Yrs effective Jan 1, 2023

2022-36 Authorize Transfer FY 2018 to RCF

2022-37 Authorize Release of Closed Year Surplus-Supplemental

2022-38 Authorize Transfer 2022 EJIF Dividends to AELCF

2022-39 Accepting 2023 Annual Assessment for Cyber JIF

2022-40 Appointing Robert Law MEL RCF EJIF Cyber Representative for 2023

2022-41 Rejecting all Responses to the Technology Liability Director RFP

2022-42 Authorize Fund Transfer to the MEL Unencumbered Surplus Account

2022-43 Authorize a 1 yr Contract with Wizer

2022-44 Authorize a 1 yr Contract with D2

2022-45 Honoring Paul J Miola

2021 Resolutions

2021-01 Confirming Election of Chair and Secretary

2021-02 Elec of Exec Comm and Alternates

2021-03 Appointing Prof Staff under Non-Fair and Open

2021-04 Appointing Prof Staff under Fair and Open

2021-05 Appointing Assigned Defense Counsel and Approved Associates

2021-06 Recommending the EPL POL Defense Panel

2021-07 Adopting Cash and Investment Policy

2021-08 Adopting Procedures in Compliance with the Open Public Mtgs Act

2021-09 Adopting Fiscal Policies and Procedures

2021-10 Adopting Admin Policies and Procedures

2021-11 Designating the Exec Director as Public Agency Compliance Officer

2021-12 Adopting & Establishing a Conflict of Interest Policy

2021-13 Est. a Funds Record Program

2021-14 Establishing the 2021 Plan of Risk Mgmt

2021-15 Designation of Certifying and Approving Officer for payment of Claims

2021-16 Authorize Reimbursemnt of Travel

2021-17 Honoring Bob Law

2021-18 2020 COVID WC Expenses

2021-19 Release of 2019 Closed Session Claims Minutes

2021-20 Release of 2020 Closed Session Claims Minutes

2021-21 Approving Annual Audit

2021-22 Approving Intra-fund Transfer 2018GL_2020PR-June

2021-23 Authorizing MEL Surplus Trigger Pymt

2021-24 Authorizing RCF Surplus Trigger Pymt

2021-25 Authorizing the Desctruction of Claims Files

2021-26 Establishing Protocols for Vineland for the Defense of Liability Claims

2021-27 Authorizing WIZER contract from Aug-Dec 2021

2021-28 Authorizing Release of Surplus-TRICO

2021-29 Authorizing TRICO Renewal in MEL JIF for 3YRs

2021-30 Authorizing TRICO Renewal in MEL RCF JIF for 3YRs

2021-31 Authorize Contract with C. Winter Law Enforcement Risk Mgmt Nov-Dec 2021

2021-32 Authrize to Transfer 2017 FY to RCF

2021-33 Authorizing Refund of Closed Year Accounts-TRICO

2021-34 Authroize Treasurer to DEposit 2021 Dividends from EJIF into members AELCF Accounts

2021-35 Appoint Robert Law to 2022 Rep to MEL RCF EJIF

2021-36 Authorizing a Contract with WIZER eff Jan 1, 2022

2021-39 Honoring Maureen Abdill, Pilesgrove

2021-38 Honoring Carl Bagby, Swedesboro

2021-37 One year Contract with D2