2024 Public Notices


Public Notice- 2024 Budget Amendment -July


Exhibit A Fund Professional Compensation TRICO 2024

2024 Meeting Dates Public Notice

TRICO 2024 Annual State Filing and TRICO 2024 RMP Amendment

2023 Public Notices

TRICO Public Notice Dec Mtg Change

2024 TRICO Budget Hearing Public Notice


Public Notice- 2023 Budget Amend -July

Public Notice July 2023 Exec Committee Mtg Change

Public Notice – July 2023 Claims Mtg Time Change

Public Notice -2023 Budget Amendment -April

Public Notice -2023 Budget Amendment -March

Exhibit A Fund Professional Compensation for FY Ending December 31 2023

Public Notice – 2023 Meeting Dates  and Zoom Links for TRICO

Legal Notice of Contract Award 2023

2022 Public Notices

Technology Risk Management Director RFP December 2022

Public Notice December Meeting Change

2023 Budget Hearing Public Notice

Public Notice 2022 November Meeting change

Exhibit A Fund Professional Compensation for FY Ending December 31 2022

LEGAL NOTICE – Claims Audit

LEGAL NOTICE – Fund and Subrogation Attorney, Claims Administrator, Property Appraiser RFQ

Public Notice – July 2022 Exec Claims Mtg Change

Public Notice July 2022 Exec Committee Mtg Change

2022 TRICO Budget Amendment Public -July

Public Notice – April – May 2022 Meeting Change

PUBLIC NOTICE March Meeting Change

2022 Meeting Dates Public Notice & February Meeting Zoom Link

Notice of Contract Award 2022

Public Notice January Mtg Change 

2021 Public Notices

Public Notice December Mtg Change

2022 Budget Hearing Public Notice

PUBLIC NOTICE November Mtg Change

PUBLIC NOTICE October Mtg Change

PUBLIC NOTICE September Meeting Change

2021 July Exec Committee Mtg Change Public Notice

2021 June Mtg Change Public Notice

2021 April and May Mtg Change Public Notice

2021 TRICO JIF Annual State Filing

Exhibit A Fund Professional Compensation for FY Ending December 31 2021

2021 Notice of Contract Award

2021 Meeting Dates Public Notice

Public Notice January Mtg Change

2020 Public Notices

Public Notice December Mtg Change

2021 Budget Hearing Public Notice

Public Notice November Mtg Change

Public Notice October Mtg Change 

2020 TRICO Budget Amend Public -September

Public Notice September Meeting Change – Public

LEGAL NOTICE – Auditor, Actuary, Wellness Dir RFQ

Legal Notice July Executive Mtg Change

Legal Notice July Executive Claims Mtg Change

TRICO JIF Audit Synopsis

June 2020 Public Notice Meeting Change

Public Notice May 2020 Meeting Change

TRICO Public Notice April Mtg Change

Public Notice March Mtg Change

2020 Claims Meeting Dates Public

2020 Exec Comm Meeting dates Public

Exhibit A: Fund Professional Compensation for FY Ending December 31 2020

2019 Public Notices

December 2019: TRICO 2020 Budget Hearing Public Notice

December 2019: TRICO Legal Notice Dec Mtg Change

July 2019: 2019 TRICO Budget Amend Public – July

July 2019: Claims Administrator and Property Appraiser RFQ

July 2019: Fund Solicitor and Subrogation Attorney RFQ

January 2019: TRICO 2019 Annual State Filing

January 2019: EXHIBIT A – Fund Professional Appointments and Compensation

2018 Public Notices:

November 218: 2019 Budget Hearing Public Notice

August 2018:  December 2018 Meeting Date Change

June 2018: Safety Director and Right to Know RFQ

March 2018: 2018 TRICO Budget Amend Public Notice – March & 2017 TRICO Budget Amend Public Notice – March

January 2018: 2017 Budget Hearing Legal Notice & 2018 Budget Hearing Legal Notice

January 2018: TRICO 2018 Claims Meeting Dates 

January 2018: TRICO Notice of Contract Award 2018

January 2018: 2018 TRICO Annual State filing

January 2018: Exhibit A: Fund Professional Appointments and Compensation 2017-2018

January 2018: 2018 TRICO Executive Meeting Dates

Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meetings Act. Notice of all meetings are given by:

1.  Sending suf­fi­cient notice here­with to:

  • South Jersey News, Woodbury, NJ

  • Courier Post, Cherry Hill, NJ

2.  Filing advance writ­ten notice of this meet­ing with the Clerks/Administrators of all mem­ber munic­i­pal­i­ties; and

3.  Posting notice on the pub­lic bul­letin boards of all mem­ber municipalities.